Supplements For Preventing & Treating Cervical Cancers

Supplements For Preventing & Treating Cervical Cancers

Cervical cancer is preventable and treatable unlike other cancers.
It is the cancer of the cervix. The Cervix which is the neck of the womb, referred to as the door of life by many Scientists.

Cervical cancer is majorly a sexually transmitted disease, caused by Human Papilomavirus (HPV)
Human papiloma virus infects over 530 million people worldwide, with about 37% of these infections yeraly.
Noticeable Symptoms: Warts, Vagina itching, Painful boils, sharp pains in the lower abdomen, swelling or bloating in the abdomen, breasttenderness, irregular periods, weight gain, change in urination frequency, infetility, increased facial hairs or body hair, headaches oftened, strange pains in ribs etc

NEOLIFE nutritional whole-food supplements are rich in phyto-nutrients to help counteract effects of carcinogenes in the body* With years of reserach from her Scientific Advisory Board (SAB); formulating high potency wholefood supplements and herbal remedies to assist the human body metabolism to normalize.

Feed your body cells and the necessary organs with these GNLD tested and proven products;
(1) Phytodefense in 30 Sachets; comprises of CRUCIFEROUS PLUS, FLAVONOID COMPLEX & CAROTENOID COMPLEX; take 1 sachet daily.
Strengthens your body’s natural defences*
The power of 6 optimal servings from a variety of fruits & vegetables in each sachet to support your body’s natural defences*
Studies by USDA researchers using NEOLIFE’s revolutionary Carotenoid Complex show:
A 37% increase in immune system cells to fight viruses and bacterial infection.
A 20% boost in natural killer cells: your first line of defense against cancer.
A 44% reduction in oxidative damage to cells: linked to premature aging and most degenerative diseases, including cancer.
A 500% increase of carotenoids in LDL (bad) cholesterol for greater protection against heart disease.
Inhibited the growth of human cancer cells by more than 90%!
Delivers potent antioxidant protection that fights free radicals and supports strong anti-cancer activity at all stages of carcinogenesis.
Provides an optimal serving of phytonutrients from selected cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, radish, black and brown mustard, kale and watercress. “Plus” includes the anti-cancer benefits of related phytonutrients: D-limonene, chalcones and isoflavones.
*Packaged for convenience - scientifically proven phyto-nutrients protection of six optimal servings from 25 different fruits and vegetables. Contains broad-spectrum whole-food carotenoids, flavonoids, and crucifers, 100% natural and beyond organic

(2) Beta Guard in 100 Tablets; take 2 tablets once daily.
A whole food based antioxidant to protect against environmental toxins.
Your first line of nutritional defense against damaging free radicals from pollution, exhaust fumes, chemicals, smog and other environmental toxins.
Promotes the body's natural detoxifying processes and helps guard your health against environmental and free radical challenges.
Delivers B-vitamins that assist in detoxifying environmental pollutants.
This cancer nutritional supplement includes Zinc, GTF Chromium and Selenium, which have been shown to play an important role in the body's response to heavy metal exposure.
Proprietary formulation of carefully selected vitamins, minerals and carotenoids that strengthen the body’s natural ability to detoxify and neutralize harmful agents that negatively impact health.

(3) Formula IV Plus in 60 Sachets; take 1 sachet daily.
Fomula IV Plus contains 100% recommended daily intake of zinc, chromium, selenium & molybdenum.
Supports for healthy cellular uptake of nutrients and cellular export of wastes and metabolites.
Formula IV Plus contains an additional 50% Tre-en-en grain concentrates from wheat, soya and rice extracts; which helps to counteract the draining (exhaustion) effect of stress and help tackle fatigue and prepare the body for absorption at cellular level.

(4) Feminine Herbal Complex in 60 Tablets; take 2 tablets once daily.
Calms menstrual cramps, bloating and breast tenderness.
Promotes vitality and normal female function.
Relieves mild depression, mild anxiety and stress.
Reduces inflammation and swelling in the fingers and ankles.
It decreases inflammation and reduces abdominal bloating.

(5) Chelated Zinc in 100 Tablets; take 2 tablets twice daily.
For optimising immune function and minimising the severity and duration of the adverse effects of seasonal challenges.
Keeps your metabolism working at its best.
Repairs damaged tissues and balances your hormones.
Strong healing activity for wounds and acnes.

(6) Garlic Allium Complex in 60 Tablets; take 2 tablets once daily.
Detoxifies carcinogens. Has natural antibiotic that helps fight infections.
Antibacterial properties capable of destroying bacterial or micro-organisms.
Antifungal, fights against fungi such as Candida Albicans.
Anti inflammatory, reduces redness, sweeling and pains of tissues.

Key Benefits:
Rich antioxidant supplements to help protect the cells from free radicals.
Enhances your immune system against the effects of these viruses causing the cervical cancer.
Helps boosts cancer-fighting cells by as much as 20%.
Curbs infertility challenges by normalizing the hormones and enzymes secretions.
Protects the lining of the walls of the Uterus.
Rich cruciferous family, strengthen the biological activity of the reproductive regions.
Prevents oxidative damages to the cells.
Protects against all forms of cervical carcinogenesis cancers.
Effectively curbs any new tumors and or cancer formations.
It's anti-fungal effects, fights against fungi such as CANDIDA ALBICANS. It's Diuretic properties increases urine flow.
Reduces all forms of inflammation caused to the genital regions by these bacterias.
Helps the cervical regions to feel it's best.
Counteracts the influence of toxic pollution also.
Protects the very soft and delicate body tissues around the cervix.
Kills all virus noticeable along the cervix and the uterus regions.

Regaining your active way of life using our NEOLIFE Nutritional Supplements.
Powered by GNLD International.

 I am a Adenike Okeneye, the Coordinator for Anchorage Link Services.
We are Independent Healthcare Providers and Distributors of GNLD/NEOLIFE Supplements!

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