Vaginitis Infections Supplements

Vaginitis Infections Supplements

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, causing a white or yellow vaginal discharge, and a burning or itching sensation. The most common cause of vaginitis is Diabetes, taking Antibiotics, Oral Contraceptives, Pregnancy, Vitamin B deficiency or a Yeast Infection. Ailments of the vagina caused by bacteria infection. It usually affects people with diabetes or high blood sugar levels.
It's a bacteria disease**

Symptoms: Whitish or yellowship discharge from the vagina; accompanied with burning or itching, which can lead to swelling and wounds on the vagina.

We at Anchorage Link Services, independent healthcare providers and supplements' distibutors recommends that you immediately start your supplementation programme for this ailment with our nature's best nutritionals;

1. Vitamin A & D in 60 softgels
Promotes the growth and healing of the body's tissues. Beneficial for healing of boils, lack of appetite.
Also, prevents colds, nervousness and emphysema. Prevents diarrhea.
Helps maintain good vision and assists in bone development and maintenance of teeth.
Promotes the growth of visual purple which is essential for night vision.

2. Feminine Herbal Complex in 60 tablets
Helps for irregularities in menstruation.
Reduces heavy menstrual flow.
Calms menstrual cramps, bloating and breast tenderness.
Reduces inflammation.
Promotes vitality and normal female function.
Relieves mild depression, mild anxiety and stress.
Relieves urine retention and assist in excretion of excess fluid.
Reduces excessive sweating.
Good for irritable monthly cycle or have PMS
Helps for menstrual cramps.

3. Garlic Allium Complex in 60 tablets
Natural antibiotic that fights infection.
A landmark study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Vol. 94 No.21) reports that men who ate 10 grams of allium vegetables, like garlic and onions, per day cut their prostate cancer risk by 50%.

4. Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates in 120 softgels
Helps the Cells function more efficiently by allowing nutrients to get in and waste to get out.
Neutralizes and eliminates liver fat that brings about liver malfunction, low sex drives and blood fat.
Tre-en-en is the world’s first and only wholegrain Lipids and Sterols Supplements that optimizes cell membrane function.

5. Vitamin C. Sustained Release in 100 tablets
Vitamin C supports proper functioning of the immune system in the body but is rarely obtained in sufficient quantities.
Sustained Release Vitamin C has 430 mg of vitamin C per tablet which is equivalent to the power of 8 oranges in each tablet.
Threshold controlled technology used in developing NEOLIFE's Sustained Release Vitamin C helps maintain elevated blood levels of vitamin C with a slow release over 6 hours.
Highly-potent and has high-purity with citrus bioflavonoids and exclusive Neo-Plex Concentrate for whole food goodness.

6. Vitamin B. Complex in 60 tablets
Promotes breast milk secretion.
To prevent bleeding during and after delivery, add Cal-Mag.
Prevents tirednees and listlessness.
Counteracts stress and prevents nervousness.
For PMS care when used with Vitamin C. Sustained Release, Feminine Herbal Complex and Aloe Vera Plus*

Key Benefits:
Enhances your body with the much needed energy and vitality daily.
Helps to restore your feminine function by re-balancing your hormone system.
Combats all forms of infections; bacteria, virus and/or fungi.
Helps to treat all irregular menstruation.
Reduces pepression, anxiety and irritability.
Helps against Urine retention.
Relieves those pains you experience during your cycles.
Eliminates any trace leading to a Bladder Infection**
Relieves P.M.S (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)
An excellent combination of Natural antibiotics that fights infection*
Strengthens your Immune System-promotes formation of antibodies against such bacterias.
The GARLIC ALLIUM COMPLEX, helps to also fight traces of Anaemia, Intestinal Cancer, Fibroids, Pneumonia, Constipation, Big Belly,
Worms, Allergy, Hypertension.

Powered by GNLD International.
A GNLD Customized carrier bag with our product information guide comes along with these purchase; exclusively from our management-Anchorage Link Services.

 I am a Adenike Okeneye, the Coordinator for Anchorage Link Services.
We are Independent Healthcare Providers and Distributors of GNLD/NEOLIFE Supplements!

Tel: +2348066237477
WahtsApp: +2348024041187


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