Super Gro's for Farmers in the Northern Regions of Nigeria

Super Gro's for Farmers in the Northern Regions of Nigeria

In our quest to ensuring a healthy citizen for our nation - Nigeria; we the management team of Anchorage Link Services; healthcare professionals with GNLD Nigeria
cordially request for supports from the Government towards farmers in the FUNDING to purchase our Liquid Organic Fertilizer called SUPER GRO for our lucrative
farmers nationwide.

This Wonderful Formula, which helps even fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides and agricultural products do better jobs.
The GNLD’s Super Gro allows water go deeper into soils, taking plant food and fertilizers right to the roots of plants.
This GNLD’s Farm Care brand, “Super Gro” is excellent for Growers and Gardeners.
Safe, easy to use and handle: Non-caustic, non-inflammable, non-toxic.
Multi-purpose: For both indoor plants and agricultural surfactant.
Versatile, Economical: Concentrated formula – dilution 1000:1
Proven Performance Booster: Improves performance of agricultural aids such as pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers.
Improves crop yield by as much as 167% during harvests. Super Gro assists crop treatments do a better by helping them
to penetrate deeper, stick better, stay longer, and work more effectively even during dry seasons*

The management of Anchorage Link Services is formerly seeking for more avenues to help bring this innovative and
wonderful product to farmers nation-wide underneath your Federal Legislative coordination. We also plan to use this
opportunity to advocate with the Government in promoting good Agricultural yields and promotions; thereby boosting harvests.

Recently in the Westafrica Business News, June 8-14, 2015 on page 33 indicated that Ghana has attained her MDG’s
World Food Summit Goals. Our organization with our parent company – GNLD International; are definitely ready to
aid Agricultural Productions of every Plants and Animals irrespective of where the farmers and located within Nigeria

This wonderful product since introduced to the Ghana market and now in our Nation-Nigeria is capable of promoting
increased harvests and productivity in a very short time. Other countries that reached the target set by the MDG’s
and WFS Goals are Angola, Djibouti, Cameroun, Gabon, Mali and Sao Tome and Principe.
Now let’s take our nation’s Agricultural Sector to the rightful place, in attaining the MDG’s World Food Summit Goals. 
Let’s Talk About Growth with GNLD’s SUPER GRO LIQUID FERTILIZER!

It’s GNLD, simply the Best!
We supply in large quanties for purchases from the GOVERNMENT, FARM ASSOCIATIONS, AGRO-ALLIED COMPANIES AND EVEN the FARMERS directly;
100gallons, 200gallons, 400gallons or 800gallons and above via Fedex Express Courier Service as GNLD Nigeria official courier agency.


I am a Adenike Okeneye, the Coordinator for Anchorage Link Services.
We are Independent Healthcare Providers and Distributors of GNLD/NEOLIFE Supplements!

Tel: +2348066237477
WahtsApp: +2348024041187


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