
Showing posts from September, 2017

Supplements For Sleeplessness - insomnia

Supplements For Sleeplessness - insomnia Sleeplessness Syndrome, scientifically known as INSOMNIA. It's a state of total unrest and not being able to sleep especially at nights. Most people frequently use steroids and sleeping pills to stimulate them to sleep; without knowing their long-term health hazzards. You must take cognisance of your total wellness beginning today. Nutritional advise; eat early enough atleast 2 hours before your bed time. Don't eat heavy foods at nights from today. Take enough Water after your meal. If available, take a fruit or two 30 minutes after you've finished eating. Use these combination of GNLD's Neolife Nutritional Herbal alternative and her Whole-food Supplements 1. Herbal Rest and Relax in 60 Tablets; take 1 tablet daily after your dinner. Contains 8 natural herbs that promotes vitality. Relieves and relaxes tension. Relieves nervous stress. Overcomes sleeplessness. Quietens digestion and overcomes mild depression. 2. Aloe

Stroke - thrombosis Supplements

Stroke - thrombosis Supplements Occurs when the blood supply of an area of the brain cells is cut off for a long period, results in the death of the deprived cells from lack of oxygen and nutrients. We at Anchorage Link Services, independent healthcare providers and supplements' distibutors recommends that you immediately start your supplementation programme for this ailment with our nature's best nutritionals; 1. Flavonoid Complex in 60 tablets Potent water soluble super antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Anti-allergy and anti-infection action Prevents oxidative cell damage and ageing. Flavonoids work with Vitamin C to protect the watery areas in and around the cells and in body fluids like blood. 2. Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus in 90 softgels Excellent for asthma or breathing problems. Allergies or inflammation. Balances and regulates oils in cell membranes. Ongoing low-grade chronic inflammation is the likely background for age- related diseases. They prot

Vaginitis Infections Supplements

Vaginitis Infections Supplements Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, causing a white or yellow vaginal discharge, and a burning or itching sensation. The most common cause of vaginitis is Diabetes, taking Antibiotics, Oral Contraceptives, Pregnancy, Vitamin B deficiency or a Yeast Infection. Ailments of the vagina caused by bacteria infection. It usually affects people with diabetes or high blood sugar levels. It's a bacteria disease** Symptoms: Whitish or yellowship discharge from the vagina; accompanied with burning or itching, which can lead to swelling and wounds on the vagina. We at Anchorage Link Services, independent healthcare providers and supplements' distibutors recommends that you immediately start your supplementation programme for this ailment with our nature's best nutritionals; 1. Vitamin A & D in 60 softgels Promotes the growth and healing of the body's tissues. Beneficial for healing of boils, lack of appetite. Also, preven

Neolife Pro Vitality+

Neolife Pro Vitality+ Neolife Nutritional to help you stay Younger, Look and Feel Better always! NOW WITH: Essential Vitamins and Mineral Complex Daily intakes of these supplements keeps you very active, look younger, feel better always energized for your everyday work. Guaranteeing you good sleep, calms your nerves; effectively work on your Cells. Boosts your Immune System. Also pleasant for JOINTS and HEART Health. Order for your Neolife's Pro Vitality+ today! A combination of; 1. Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates 2. Carotenoid Complex 3. Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus 4. Essential Vitamins and Minerals (A) TRE-EN-EN GRAIN CONCENTRATES Feed Your Cells – Enhance Your Energy. Good nutrition begins at the cellular level. Tre-en-en is the world’s first and only whole grain lipid and sterol supplement proven to enhance energy and vitality by optimizing cellular nutrition. Good for indigestion and bowel problems. (B) CAROTENOID COMPLEX Protect Your Cells – Optimize Your Immunity. This

Supplements For Breast-feeding Mothers Care

Supplements For Breast-feeding Mothers Care Every nursing mothers having challenges of insufficient milk production in her mammary gland (breasts). A condition that is due to improper absorption or lacking of some very essential minerals and vitamins before, during conception and now. Neolife helpful Nutritionals derived from; (1) Neolifeshake in 752G; take 2 spoons daily with oatmeal. From whole food sources-soya, oat, and guar. It helps promote satiety, digestion and heart health* Powering your body with quality sources of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. Contains rich proteins which feeds the cells and boosts energy, helps your body build and repair tissues; fuels the creation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies, and promotes healthy bones, mucsles, cartilage, skin and blood* (2) Pro Vitality Plus in 30 Sachets; take a sachet a day. Whole Grains, Fruits & Vegetables, and Fish to Optimize Health. Each sachet provides; Tre-en-en Gr

Fibroid Emulsifying Supplements

Fibroid Emulsifying Supplements  TO MELT OFF EVERY TUMOR, ABNORMAL GROWTHS AND FIBROIDS IN EVERY WOMAN Fibroid, sometimes come inform of Tumors in some women. Fibroids are growth of tissues that are usually found in the wall of the Uterus, or womb. They are made of a mixture of muscles tissues from the Uterus and connective tissues. They are not Cancerous though* Common in every 10 women over age 35 years. Fibroids occurs most often in women between 30 and 50 years. Symptoms of Fibroids are; 1. Heavy or long menstrual periods; periods last more than seven days with heavy menstrual flows. Can cause ANEMIA. 2. Pressure on other organs; leading to frequent urinations if it's large. Also painful bowels movements. 3. Pains in the pelvis; causing severe pains lasting for days or weeks. 4. Protuding stomach without pregnancy, sometimes heavy and painful menstrual flow. May cause infertility and or miscarriages. 5 out of every 10 women with Fibroids do not know until a D

GNLD supplements for Treating and Preventing Cataract

GNLD supplements for Treating and Preventing Cataract Cataracts is an eye disease in which the crystalline lens or its capsule becomes Opaque, causing partial or total blindness. The lens of the eyes becomes clouded or opaque and unable to focus on close or far objects. Most cataracts are caused by free radical damage to the structural enzymes, proteins and cell membranes of the lens. Common symptoms: White like covering on the lens of the Eyes. If unattended to, it could result to either partial or total blindness. Begin now to daily supplement your diets with; (1) Carotenoid Complex in 90 Capsules; use 2 capsules daily. Protection of cells against free radicals. Encapsulating in an oxygen-free environment to prevent oxidation and maximize nutrient value. Curbs oxidation damage to cells by 44%. Enhances the immune system by 37% in just 20 days, as proven by the research done by the Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA). (2) Wheatgerm Oil in 60 Capsules; use 2 cap

Supplements for Treating & Taking Care of Cerebral Palsy

Supplements for Treating & Taking Care of Cerebral Palsy CEREBRAL PALSY (AN HARM OR INJURY CAUSED TO THE BRAIN AT CHILD BIRTH) CEREBRAL PALSY; is in relation to the Cerebrum. Characterized by abnormal involuntary Muscular Contractions or perhaps, a violent feelings. Learning disabilities, is enhanced with GNLD Nutritional Wholefood Supplements! An illness that involves personalities of children who do not react to their environment. Children with CEREBRAL PALSY are always withdrawn to themselves, do not Learn to Talk or have Learning disabilities and exhibit marked unresponsiveness to affection and love. Some are vividly unable to Walk. Symptopms: Uncontrollable discharge of saliva. Grinding of teeths sometimes. Unable to speak cleraly, Walking is a difficulty for most children with this ailment. Epileptic signs are noticeable, nervousness and occasional violent behaviours** Helpful GNLD Supplements needed are: (1) Vita Squares by 180 Tablets; use 2 tablets each day

Supplements For Preventing & Treating Cervical Cancers

Supplements For Preventing & Treating Cervical Cancers Cervical cancer is preventable and treatable unlike other cancers. It is the cancer of the cervix. The Cervix which is the neck of the womb, referred to as the door of life by many Scientists. Cervical cancer is majorly a sexually transmitted disease, caused by Human Papilomavirus (HPV) Human papiloma virus infects over 530 million people worldwide, with about 37% of these infections yeraly. Noticeable Symptoms: Warts, Vagina itching, Painful boils, sharp pains in the lower abdomen, swelling or bloating in the abdomen, breasttenderness, irregular periods, weight gain, change in urination frequency, infetility, increased facial hairs or body hair, headaches oftened, strange pains in ribs etc NEOLIFE nutritional whole-food supplements are rich in phyto-nutrients to help counteract effects of carcinogenes in the body* With years of reserach from her Scientific Advisory Board (SAB); formulating high potency wholefood s

Supplements for Treating Infertility in Men

Supplements for Treating Infertility in Men Infertility in male (IMPOTENCY) is a condition where a man is not able to inpregnant a woman or make a her fertile, not able after a period over a year or more of regular sexual intercourse during the times when she is ovulating. Causes could be that you are experiencing a LOW LIBIDO, LOW SPERM COUNT, LOW ENERGY, QUICK EJACULATIONS, WEAK SEXUAL DRIVES. NEOLIFE nutritional whole food supplements are very helpful and needful to assist the body's metabolism to return back to its fertile state for normal conception. NEOLIFE's wholefood supplements and herbal alternatives in; (1) Masculine Herbal Complex in 60Tablets; take 2 tablets daily. Masculine Herbal Complex: Improves urine flow and prevents enlargement of the prostate, enahnces male function. Helps Kidneys, and Liver, spleen problems. Helps balances hormone production in males and for improved stamina and strength. (2) Vitamin E in 60Capsules; take 2 capsules each day.

Supplements for Treating Infertility in Women

Supplements for Treating Infertility in Women Infertility is a condition where a woman is not fertile enough, not able to reproduce or get pregnant after a period over a year or more of regular sexual intercourse during the time of ovulation. Causes could be ovulator failure, blocked fallopian tube, birth control pills, uterine fibroid, endometriosis, S.T.D's, ovarian cysts or perhaps hormone imbalance etc. NEOLIFE nutritional whole food supplements are very helpful and needful to assist the body's metabolism to return back to its fertile state for normal conception. NEOLIFE's wholefood supplements and herbal alternatives in; (1) Feminine Herbal Complex in 60Tablets; take 2 tablets daily. Calms menstrual cramps, bloating and breast tenderness. Promotes vitality and normal female function. Relieves mild depression, mild anxiety and stress. Reduces inflammation and swelling in the fingers and ankles. It decreases inflammation and reduces abdominal bloating. (2) V

Supplements For Low Libido & Prostate Enlargements Management

Supplements For Low Libido & Prostate Enlargements Management Reclaim Your Masculinity with our nutritional whole-food supplements* HAVE YOU SINCE BEEN EXPERIENCING LOW LIBIDO, LOW SPERM COUNT, LOW ENERGY, QUICK EJACULATIONS, LOW SEXUAL DRIVES or even IMPOTENCY? Improve on your Manliness, correct any Dysfunction, Boost your Sperm Count and Increase your Stamina in bed* Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland, that usually occurs and appears in older males but it is a gradual enlargement over a period years and also in younger men by a bacteria from another area of the body. Prostatitis can be partial or total blocking the flow of urine, resulting in urine retention. Symptoms associated with this ailment and or disease are; FEVER, FREQUENT URINATION ACCOMPANIED BY A BURNING SENSATION, PAINS BETWEEN THE SCROTUM AND RECTUM, BLOOD OR PUS IN THE URINE. Needful and very Essential Nutritional Supplements are; 1. Masculine Herbal Complex in 60Tablets; dosage

Supplements For Pregnancy Care & For Lactating Mothers

Supplements For Pregnancy Care & For Lactating Mothers Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for every woman but it also brings with it some stress for the body. Many physical, mental and nutritional needs of a woman changes during pregnancy, the foetus demands lots of nutrients for the vital organs to develop properly without any complications. A healthy diet is a woman's best friend. It is critically important for pregnant women to get enough CHOLINE! An essential nutrient needed for proper Liver, Brain, Memory and Nerve functions. Neolife helpful Nutritionals derived from; (1) Neolifeshake in 752G; take 2 spoons daily with oatmeal. From whole food sources-soya, oat, and guar. It helps promote satiety, digestion and heart health* Powering your body with quality sources of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. Contains rich proteins which feeds the cells and boosts energy, helps your body build and repair tissues; fuels the

Staphylococcus aureus infection

Staphylococcus aureus infection Painful boils that grows very frequently and in the hidden parts of the body. Easily transmitted from generation to generation. We at Anchorage Link Services, independent healthcare providers and supplements' distributors recommends that you immediately start your supplementation programme for this ailment with our nature's best nutritionals; 1. Chelated Zinc in 100 tablets For optimising immune function and minimising the severity and duration of the adverse effects of seasonal challenges. Supports fertility in both male and female & prostate health. Keeps your body metabolism working at its best. Strong healing activity for wounds and acne. A potent antagonist to cadmium, a common cause of heavy metal toxicity. 2. Vitamin A & D in 100 softgels Promotes the growth and healing of the body's tissues. Beneficial for healing of boils, lack of appetite. Also, prevents colds, nervousness and emphysema. Prevents diarrhea.

Super Gro

Super Gro A multi-purpose agricultural surfactant, specifically formulated to work with modern crop treatments and application equipment. Versatile! • Works with any crop treatment designed for use with water. • Works as a wetting agent, to make water wetter. • Works as a spreader-sticker to provide better treatment adhesion and retention on plant surfaces. • Works as an adjuvant to maximize crop treatment performance. • Works as an emulsifier for improved oil dispersion. Economical! • Concentrated formula performs at 1000 to 1 dilution. • One product works for many ourposes. Easy to use! • Mixes easily in hard or soft water. • Long shelf-life. • No special handling precautions. • Stores well in non-temperature controlled conditions. Safe! • Use on both indoor and outdoor plants. • Non-toxic, non-caustic, non-inflammable. And saves you money! for: ANCHORAGE LINK SERVICES Mr. Anthony E. Okeremute; Call/Whatsapp: +2348063894916 GNLD brings to you certified product

GNLD Supplements for Treating Infertility in Women

GNLD Supplements for Treating Infertility in Women Infertility is a condition where a woman is not fertile enough, not able to reproduce or get pregnant after a period over a year or more of regular sexual intercourse during the time of ovulation. Causes could be ovulator failure, blocked fallopian tube, birth control pills, uterine fibroid, endometriosis, S.T.D's, ovarian cysts or perhaps hormone imbalance etc. NEOLIFE nutritional whole food supplements are very helpful and needful to assist the body's metabolism to return back to its fertile state for normal conception. NEOLIFE's wholefood supplements and herbal alternatives in; (1) Feminine Herbal Complex in 60Tablets; take 2 tablets daily. (2) Vitamin E in 60Capsules; take 2 capsules each day. (3) Chelated Zinc in 100Tablets; use 2 tablets daily. (4) Formula IV Plus in 60Sachets; take a sachet a day. (5) Garlic Allium Complex in 60Tablets; take 2 tablets daily. (6) Multi-Mineral+AlfaAlfa in 60Tablets; dosage